
15th Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong Closed With Great Success 729,000 Visitors Share Joyfulness of the Mega Summer Carnival


向來緊貼年青人潮流的「動漫電玩節」今年增設了「Apps多特區」。現今智能手機的Apps熱潮勢不可擋,在眾多的Apps當中,除了熱門的遊戲程式外,亦有不少與動漫有關的不同類型應用程式。因此大會今屆以「潮流狂熱Mobile Fun」為主題,設立「Apps多特區」,邀請了多間Apps公司參展,當中包括嘉昂媒體技術有限公司、百靈時代傳媒集團有限公司、LINE、WeChat、tMG Bookstore等等。各大Apps公司將在場內展示他們最新最好玩的Apps,並向入場的手機迷介紹了一連串不同種類的應用程式,包括遊戲、娛樂、動漫及創意應用等,向所有電玩動漫迷發放Apps潮流的資訊。


「HEART BEAT青年音樂祭」。可算是香港最大型的動漫音樂表演,邀請了國際級的動漫音樂單位演出。今年有來自本地視覺系樂團ParanoiD的震撼Band Show。還有日本人氣動漫歌手中川翔子、dempagumi.inc、手嶌葵和南里侑香,於會場舞台為入場人士獻上多首動漫音樂,將現場氣氛推到瘋狂頂點,為動漫迷留下不少精彩熣燦的回憶。

「國際名家現場簽名會」也是每年漫畫迷熱切期待的節目之一。本年簽名會不單邀請了中、港及外地多位漫畫家親身前來跟漫畫迷會面,還邀請了來自日本的ACG偶像樂隊等到場簽名,與樂迷見面。當中包括著名漫畫家黃玉郎、司徒劍僑、《火鳳燎原》作者陳某及王貽興、《武道狂之詩》漫畫版葉偉青及喬靖夫、《天眼》Danny Summer、《披上狼皮的羊咩咩》瑞雲老師、《宮本武藏的末世傳人》孫威軍老師、來自海外的《問題兒童都來自異世界》作者竜ノ湖太郎老師以及《中華英雄》美漫版Mr Maurico Herrera、以及表演嘉賓,來自日本的Dempagumi.inc、中川翔子、南里侑香和手嶌葵。

DANCE POWER勁舞大賽也是本年度的重點之一。本年邀請了不少國際級街舞高手前來表演及參賽,更在現場即興表演及與在場的舞蹈愛好者作親身示範及交流。今年的星級嘉賓分別來自香港、英、美、日、韓等地,包括香港的Sunny Wong、Billy Chan、Angela Hang、美國的Jeremy Copeland、日本的Seen、韓國的Dokyun和Hozin等,他們全情投入的演出激起了全場哄動,觀眾們無不熱血沸騰熱烈鼓掌。超過五十隊的參賽者,以Freestyle、Hip Hop、Jazz三組進行比賽,各組別的參賽者都施展了混身解數,於舞台展開了激烈的「舞」林爭鬥。

其他節目還包括:「跟一棵樹的對話」為題的獨立漫畫家聯展。展出分別來自香港、中國及台灣獨立漫畫家的作品;香港動漫人偶創意展、中國漫畫家創意區、原創漫畫新星大賽作品展、動漫ART IDOL - 第四屆香港原創動漫人型設計比實作品展、由大會及BANDAI合辦的高達模型製作家環球盃、女僕書房、同人誌區、FUN FUN SHOW動漫繽紛嘉年華遊戲區、X-ZONE創意地攤等等多不勝數。



15th Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong Closed With Great Success 729,000 Visitors Share Joyfulness of the Mega Summer Carnival

The trend-leading summer carnival, the 15th Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong has proudly revealed a successful end. The five-day show brought unlimited fantastic experiences and surprises to all visiting ACG fans. The special free entrance offer to parents and kids has attracted large number of families visited this wonderful occasion. As of the figures collected up to 6pm, the Organizer estimated about 115,000 people visited today’s exhibition, adding up to a record-high of a total of 729,000 visitors for ACGHK2013, a 4% increase when compared to last year.

Mr. C.P. Leung, Chief Executive of Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong said, “This year marks the 15th anniversary of ACGHK, an important milestone of the show. To sustain the legendary and unique feature of this summer event, we will sincerely continue to introduce new and various attractive elements to bring happiness to all fans and Hong Kong people.”

“Mobile Fun”, the innovative theme of 15th Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong, has additionally injected new attractive element to the show. The newly created “Apps Zone” received overwhelming responses with several mobile application developing companies and social media platforms joined the carnival, including VChat and Line, introduced their most attractive games and products to ACG fans. To provide a comfort and safety environment of the exhibition, ACGHK2013 continued banned on-site selling of limited-edition products, exhibitors are encouraged to arrange online pre-registration for their products.

Besides, the six renowned young mainland comic artists received warmth welcome from local ani-com fans; their impromptu painted at the venue, as well as their products, attracted the attention and appreciation of large number of visitors.

The 15th ACGHK venue area of 160,000 square meters, attracted more than 170 exhibitors participate in the exhibition, merges all latest comics, animations, video games and figures, and a series of value-added performances and amusements specially arranged by diverse international brands and exhibitors. All contribute to boost the sustainable development of the ani-com & games industry and to provide the finest platform to network, exchange and share.