阿根廷文化節 南美風情盡現
阿根廷與香港距離遙遠,香港市民對該國的認識不深。為讓香港市民對阿根廷的文化、美酒、美食等增加瞭解,阿根廷駐香港總領事館聯同Wines Concept Company Limited於今年十一月份舉行首屆「阿根廷文化節」,項目包括:「阿根廷美酒試酒會」;「阿根廷美食試食會」;「阿根廷電影節」,影片包括阿根廷著名電影El Abrazo、 Partido、 Valentin、 Luna De Avellanedia、 El Hijo De La Novia、 Nueve、Reinas 和 Roma等六部影片以及「香港探戈節」等。
通過這次「阿根廷文化節」,使阿根廷的舞蹈 – 探戈、具阿根廷特色的伴侶葫蘆杯(Argentina Mate)、享譽國際的阿根廷葡酒以及阿根廷牛肉等更廣為香港市民認識,反應良好。
1ST Edition of Argentina Festival
Celebrating a fusion of European and Latin American culture, Argentina fuses tradition with modernity. Argentina is such a lively place, famous for her dance & music, wine & gourmet, sports and many more waiting for us to discover and experience. In November 2012, the first-ever ARGENTINA FESTIVAL will be held in Hong Kong. Proudly presented by Wines Connect Company Limited, with the support of the Consulate General of the Argentine Republic in Hong Kong and Macao, the Festival brings a series of events celebrating Argentine Culture, Wine and Food.
The River Plate, or Río de la Plata, is shared by Argentina and Uruguay; but that’s not all. Tango is another of the commonalities between these two countries.
The music combines rhythms from African and local roots, together with the bandoleon. This instrument is believed to come from Krefeld, Western Germany, and how it made it to such a distant music scene is part of the many legends that surround this very special type of music.
Argentines revere one tango singer above everyone else. Carlos Gardel is part man, part legend. And his origins and life are intertwined with more tango legend. Some argue that Argentina’s biggest singer was from France or Uruguay.
In any case, this underscores the openness of a country that accepts Gardel as Tango’s greatest regardless of his origin.
And Gardel’s birth enigma is yet another mystery surrounding this music that inspires passion wherever it goes.
Film Showcase
Six selected movies from comedy, romance to crime for the Argentina Film Festival.
The name of the film as follows: El Abrazo, Partido, Valentin, Luna De Avellanedia, El Hijo De La Novia, Nueve, Reinas and Roma.
Mate is probably one of the most intricate rituals in Argentine culture and a drink that’s very hard to prepare appropriately. There isn’t a proper gaucho, or cowboy, who isn’t well familiarized with how to brew and consume the drink.
The plants where mate leaves come from only grows in the heart of South America and attempts to develop this industry elsewhere haven’t succeeded yet. Probably this, tied to the fact that it can be easily found overseas, makes this a true piece of South America that travels all over the world.
In Hong Kong and China, mate bags can be found in many supermarkets. But true Argentinos like having it in the special mate cup with a bombilla, tu suck the tea from.
A well-brewed drink should have bubbles at the top and it’s considered bad manners not to drink it and continue sharing the cup with everyone else. It’s common that unaccustomed Asians let the mate rest before drinking it, as it’s commonly done with tea, much to the deception of their Argentine friends.
The cup, when passed, is only thanked when the drinker doesn’t want any more. “Gracias”, actually means “I don’t want any more”; for a simple reason: niceties aren’t necessary among friends.
And, as everyone drinks from the same cup, mate is the ultimate symbol of frienship in Argentina.
Source: Consulate General of Argentina in Hong Kong