韓國十月文化節 II

Festive Korea

攝影探索夢幻之國 細味秋冬美態


Consul General Cho Yong Chun, Director of Korea Tourism Organization KJay Ham, Executive Director EGL Tours Steve Huen and Travel Photographer Tony Ho and Richard Lau officiated the ribbon cutting ceremony

135 masterpieces were exhibited

Introduced Korea sightseeing spots to visitors

Korea has distinguished four seasons, and each season has its own beauty. In response to “Festive Korea”, Korea Tourism Organization has hosted “Korea, the Dreamland of Autumn and Winter Photography Exhibition” on 28-30 September in Hong Kong Cultural Centre, showcasing 135 masterpieces by photographers Mr. Tony Ho and Mr. Richard Lau. The exhibition has attracted 20,000 visitors.

Culture ambassadors in traditional Korean attires took photos with citizens

Photographer explained his idea of creation


藝術《光束》耀眼盛放 展現當代畫作

香港三大韓國畫廊 ─ CAIS 畫廊、Moon 畫廊和申畫畫廊今年再度與韓國駐香港總領事館合作,於尖沙嘴海港城美術館呈獻韓國當代藝術展《光束》。六位獨當一面的韓國藝術家運用不同媒介,


Korean Contemporary Art Exhibition “BEAM” in Gallery by the Harbour

Choi So-young portrays cityscapes of Korea with denim



Lee So-yeun’s paintings mainly focus on self-portraits, which create a subtle theatrical atmosphere

Three Korean galleries in Hong Kong, CAIS Gallery, Moon Gallery and Shin Hwa Gallery collaborated with Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong jointly presented Korean Contemporary Exhibition “BEAM”. It featured six endeavor Korean artists: Choi So-young, Lee So-yuen, Ha Jung-woo, Kwon Hyun-jin, Lee Kyu-hong and Park Sung-tae, who used special medium for artworks, including denim, crayons, watercolors, glass and aluminum mesh.

Lee So-yeun’s paintings mainly focus on self-portraits, which create a subtle theatrical atmosphere. She is bringing her own imagination into the actual places, with a different and interesting perspective. The idea of this series is about her dream, places where she wishes to be and things that she wishes to have. Choi So-young uses a very special medium for her artworks. It is a very refreshing attempt of transforming a unexpected material in art, such as denim into an artwork. She portrays cityscapes of Korea.

Lee Kyou-hong makes the most of the character of the glass and brings brightness to his work

Park Sung-tae uses aluminum net to create horses full of power and speed

Mega movie star Ha Jung-woo’s works are constantly playing mind-game with the audience; which paintings are ‘real’ Ha and which are merely characters he acted. We have to find out ourselves. Artist Kwon Hyun-jin’s paintings may seem to be pure abstraction to some, but they are in fact a journey of self-discovery and poetry of a young woman. A way of mixing the
subconsciousness with the consciousness.

Lee Kyou-hong makes the most of the character of the glass, which retain the light even when it’s not with particularly bright sunshine. It’s mystically beautiful. The landscape behind the glass is very realistic yet not remote. The glass dews on the surface add freshness and brightness. Park Sung-tae uses aluminum net to create horses full of power and speed. The horses are
extraordinary combination of lightness of see-through material with exquisite details and the heaviness of subject matter, delivering beautiful visual absurdity.

“BEAM”, closed on 11 November, was well received by Hong Kong people as well as tourists. The four-day exhibition has showcased twenty art-pieces, recorded 3,200 visitors.

Through contemporary art pieces, visitors appreciated Korean culture from another point of view

Exhibition was well received by Hong Kong people as well as tourists


另類電影深刻題材 綻放獨特色彩







《赤腳夢想》描述一位曾經叱吒體壇、表現備受矚目的足球員金元光,退役後來到發展中的東帝汶,看到街上一群光著腳踢球的孩子們,決定把自己對足球的熱情與知識,傾囊相授,並成立了東帝汶第一支青少年足球隊。 本片由世界足球「神奇教練」金信煥真實經歷改編。二零零二年東帝汶獨立後,金信煥只花了三年時間,就將東帝汶青少年足球隊帶向國際比賽,並獲得國際冠軍的殊榮,因此獲得「神奇教練」之美稱。


“A Reason to Live”


Last year’s Korean Film Festival concluded with big success. This year, a series of movies were selected including “M”, “Woochi”, “Pacemaker”, “Barefoot Dream” and “A Reason to Live”.
Main character of “M”, Min woo, was a handsome and young famous bestselling author and his fiancée is planning to get married. Recently, however, image of Minwoo’s first girlfriend, who died in an accident few years ago, frequently came into his mind. At the same time, a pretty woman mysteriously appeared in Min-woo’s daily life – in the park near his home, in the Café he frequently goes, and in the Press Conference of his new book. Like a shadow, the woman appeared everywhere, stared at Minwoo quietly. As Min-woo stepped forward to talk to her, she disappeared without a trace.


Jeon Woo-chi successfully traveled five hundred years and came to modern Seoul with his faithful dog and a group of Taoists. To fight against his enemies, they started a war with his superb power of Taoism in the city, between high-rise buildings and array of vehicles.

In “Pacemaker”, Joo Man-Ho, once a promising marathon runner, was forced to give up his dreams because of a critical leg injury and to support his younger brother. Still unable to leave the track & field for good, Joo Man-Ho then became a pacemaker - a runner who leads his team during the first section of a marathon event before dropping out. This is a story about how a pacemaker strived to make his dream come true.

The 2nd Korean Film Festival took place in Korean Consulate

“A barefoot dream” is about a high-profile soccer player, Kim won-kang, once shook the sport world. After retiring from his team, Kim happens to visit the developing country – East Timor. On the way, he came across children playing football game barefoot on rocky pitches. Originally Kim planned to get rich by peddling sports shoes to these unshod kids, eventually he sadly found out that on one can afford to a single pair of imitation shoes. However, in poor place, there is noble dream, deeply moved by children’s burning desire of football, Kim decided to trained them with his passion and knowledge. The first East Timor’s youth football team is established. This film is adapted from the real experience of Kim Sang-hoon. After the independence of East Timor in 2002, Kim has trained the first youth football team shortly in three year and won international championship. He is called “Magic Coach of the Football World” since then.

“A Reason to Live” tells story about documentary filmmaker Da-hae who lost her fiance by a hit and run accident on her birthday. But she forgives the criminal who was a 15-year-old boy based on her belief as a Catholic and signs a petition for him to revoke the juvenile's death penalty. One year later, Da-hae is commissioned by the Catholic Church to make a documentary on the inhumanity of capital punishment. However, her moral convictions and desire to be compassionate are seriously questioned when she finds out that the teenage driver killed a classmate, not long after his reprieve.

Audiences enjoyed movies

This year’s Korean Film Festival has screened nine films in 8-29 October in Korean Consulate and The University of Hong Kong respectively. All films are shown in Korean with English subtitle. Free tickets are distributed to public through online registration system. More than 1,000 people registered, with occupancy rate exceeded 97.3%.


大師夥拍本地樂團 盡展超凡造詣

本年「韓國十月文化節」的古典音樂表演五色紛陳,韓國大提琴家梁盛苑,聯同本地交響樂團Pro Arte 攜手呈獻《德伏扎克大提琴協奏曲》、新晉韓國音樂家組成的鋼琴三重奏樂團Via Trio 再度來港演出,韓國古典音樂家朱亨基及小提琴家易高文接受香港小交響樂團的邀請首度來港,為觀眾帶來豐富音樂表演。

梁盛苑是樂壇享負盛名的大提琴藝術家,出生於韓國首爾,畢業於巴黎音樂學院及印第安納大學音樂學院。榮獲多個獎項的梁盛苑,現任韓國延世大學音樂學院教授、倫敦皇家音樂學院駐校教授及LG 室樂學院之藝術總監。梁氏曾於世界各大主要音樂廳獻技,包括紐約林肯中心的艾利絲.塔利廳、巴黎的白樂業廳、阿姆斯特丹的皇家音樂廳、華盛頓甘迺迪中心平台劇院、東京歌劇城、大阪交響音樂廳及北京國家大劇院等,無論的是獨奏會或各項演出,皆獲極高之評價,演藝足跡遍及倫敦、羅馬、法蘭克福、馬德里、布拉格、赫爾辛基、波士頓、西雅圖、特拉維夫、上海、悉尼等全球多個城市。他的首張大碟全高大宜樂曲專輯獲英國《留聲機雜誌選為編輯之選(二零零三年二月) 及年度樂評之選( 二零零三年十二月),更於同年獲提名角逐荷蘭愛迪生獎最佳首張個人獨奏大碟獎。

Via Trio 以西方樂器奏出韓國傳統旋律
Vi a Trio played traditional Korean folk songs with western musical instrucment

梁盛苑於本年「韓國十月文化節」應本地樂團Pro Arte 的邀請來到香港,於十月二十三日在香港浸會大學大學會堂呈獻了《德伏扎克大提琴協奏曲》。演出曲目包括柴可夫斯基的《天鵝湖》組曲以及德伏扎克的大提琴B 小調協奏曲等,吸引了八百名觀眾入場欣賞。

此外,三位新晉韓國音樂家組成的鋼琴三重奏樂團Via Trio 今年再度來港以西方樂器奏出韓國傳統旋律,令人耳目一新。

鋼琴三重奏樂團Via Trio,成員包括三位傑出音樂家: 小提琴家Lee Joo Hee, 大提琴家 Seo Ji Yoon以及鋼琴家Hye Eun。她們積極在世界各地推廣韓國音樂。Via Trio 發行了專輯:「Via Trio,到歐洲讓人聽到阿里郎」,並在二零零九及二零一一年到歐洲遊走演出,參加了當地的三大藝術節:愛丁堡國際藝術節、亞維農藝術節以及葛拉斯頓貝里藝術節。更在葛拉斯頓貝里藝術節中成為首隊獲邀演出的韓國團隊。

Korean musician Hyung-ki Joo and violist Aleksey Igudesman presented hilarious concert “BIG Nightmare Music”

Via Trio 以鋼琴、小提琴、二胡和結他合奏了多首韓國傳統民謠,包括《Menari From String》、《Lullaby》、《Song of Heunglyul Lee》、《阿里朗》及中國民謠《茉莉花》等。三場演奏會於十月十八日至二十日期間在藝穗會舉行,共吸引了二百名音樂愛好者出席。

本年「韓國十月文化節」期間,香港小交響樂團邀請到風靡全球的韓國「另類」古典音樂家朱亨基及小提琴家易高文,以他們獨一無二的鬼馬風格及舞台語言,將喜劇、古典音樂和流行文化巧妙結合, 與香港小交響樂團使出渾身解數,聯手炮製《搞鬼孖寶大樂隊》,巧妙演繹莫扎特、巴赫、韋華特、史特勞斯及貝多芬等名作,並獲得極大回響,十月十九日至二十一日於香港大會堂三場演出,全院滿座,錄得四千二百九十人次入場觀看。

Fruitful classical music concerts were hosted in this year’s “Festive Korea”, Korean cellist Sung-Won Yang jointly presented “Sung-Won Yang’s Dvorak Cello Concerto” with local orchestra Pro Arte, young talented trio group Via Trio hosted their second concert in Hong Kong, Korean musician Hyung-ki Joo and violist Aleksey Igudesman were invited by Hong Kong Sinfonietta to bring exciting classical music performance to Hong Kong.

Sung-Won Yang, is an exclusive universal music Korea artist born in Seoul. He graduated from the Paris Conservatory and Indiana University. As a recipient of numerous awards, he is currently Professor of Cello at Yonsei University School of Music in Seoul, Professor in Residence at Royal Academy of Music in London as well as the Artistic director of LG Chamber music school.

Korean musician Hyung-ki Joo and violist Aleksey Igudesman presented hilarious concert “BIG Nightmare Music”

Yang has appeared all over the world as a soloist and as a chamber musician. He has given highly acclaimed solo recitals and performances in prestigious concert halls such as the Alice Tully Hall at New York’s Lincoln Center, the Salle Pleyel in Paris, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Terrace Theater at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C, the Opera City Hall in Tokyo, the Symphony Hall in Osaka, and the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing. His performances have also taken him to other major cities such as London, Rome, Frankfurt, Madrid, Prague, Helsinki, Boston, Seattle, Tel Aviv, Shanghai, Sydney, and many others. His all-Kodaly debut album was chosen as Editor’s Choice of the month by Gramophone Magazine (Feb. 2003), Critic’s Choice of the year for also by Gramophone Magazine in the UK (Deb. 2003), as well as being nominated as best solo debut album at the Edison Awards in Holland (2003).

Invited by local orchestra Pro Arte in this year’s Festive Korea, Sung-Won Yang has performed in “Sung- Won Yang’s Dvorak Cello Concerto” on 23 October in Hong Kong Baptist University Academic Community Hall. Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake Suite” and Dvorak’s “Cello Concerto in B minor” were presented, 800 audiences have attended the concert.

In addition, Via Trio, a trio orchestra composed by three young talented musicians had their concerts in Hong Kong again this year. They presented traditional Korean folk songs with Western musical instruments.

韓國大提琴家梁盛苑聯同本地交響樂團Pro Arte 攜手呈獻《德伏扎克大提琴協奏曲》
Korean cellist Sung-Won Yang jointly performed with Pro Arte in “Sung-Won Yang’s Dvorak Cello Concerto”

Via Trio is a piano trio team comprises three outstanding Korean musicians, violinist Lee Joo Hee, cellist Seo Ji Yoon and pianist Hye Eun. They spread Korea's melody worldwide. Via Trio issued a record titled, "Via Trio, Go Europe to have people hear Arirang". They traveled Europe in 2009 and 2011 and have participated top 3 festivals in Europe; Edinburgh Festival, Avinyong Festival, and Glastonbury Festival.

Glastonbury Festival have invited Via Trio, as the first Korean performer.
Via Trio ensembled various Korean folk songs including “Menari From String”, “Lullaby”, “Song of Heunglyul Lee”, “Arirang” and Chinese folk song “Jasmine” with piano, violin and erhu. The three concerts in 18-20 October have attracted 200 audiences.

During Festive Korea this year, Hong Kong Sinfonietta have invited two classical musicians taken the world by storm with unique and hilarious theatrical shows, Korean musician Hyung-ki Joo and violist Aleksey Igudesman.

By combining comedy with classical music and popular culture, the two musicians jointly presented with Hong Kong Sinfonietta three shows in 19-21 October in Hong Kong City Hall “BIG Nightmare Music”, recorded audience of 4,290. The show included music by Mozart, Rachmaninov, Bach, Vivaldi, Strauss and Betthoven.

韓國大提琴家梁盛苑聯同本地交響樂團Pro Arte 攜手呈獻《德伏扎克大提琴協奏曲》
Korean cellist Sung-Won Yang jointly performed with Pro Arte in “Sung-Won Yang’s Dvorak Cello Concerto”


天然食材藝術創作 體驗慢食文化


Cho Hyun-Jae cooked Korean pancake


Cho shared her experiences of Korean cooking

Korean artist Cho Hyun-Jae has extensive experience making traditional Korean fermented sauces, has studied the efficacy of wild plants, and enjoys experimenting with wild plants and seeds to create interesting sauces. For Cho, cooking food is much more than a hobby – it’s her artform and her passion, a way to truly capture the essence of Nature and celebrate life. She believes real art should be good for human beings, in the same way that “eating right will keep you healthy”. In this Passion Speak event, Cho will share her expert tips and ideas about Korean cooking.

Art-lovers joined “Cho’s cooking” party

To celebrate Festive Korea, Cho has hosted Hansik party “Cho’s Cooking” in Fringe club on 9 October. She shared her ideas and experience of slow cooking of Korean cuisine. More than 20 art-lovers have joined the party. Frog King has given out his art pieces to guests during the gathering.

Frog King gave out his art pieces


正宗韓國餐饗優惠 盡享韓食風尚


多慶屋舉行韓國海苔試食活動、七間吉之島設韓國蔬果展銷 。

Fantastic ingredients, colorful dishes, refined and attentive production, serving with passion, these are characteristics of Korean cuisine. Developed in the natural environment with four distinct seasons, the concept of “food and medicine shared the same origin” deeply rooted in people’s minds. With this long-lasting belief, Korean food is not only delicious but nutritious, especially, beneficial to health.

In this Festive Korea, the Association of Korean Restaurant in Hong Kong together with HSBC jointly presented special offers in 28 Korean restaurants. In addition, aT Centre has organized Korean seaweeds tasting in 14 Takeya and fresh fruit promotion in 7 JUSCO in different districts in Hong Kong.