
“Pyonghattan” According to AP

This is Ryomyong Street at the centre of Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
40-, 50- and 70-storey skyscrapers form a grandiose group of architecture, each with a unique design and a convenient structure.
The street has an area of 90 hectares and a total floor space of 1, 728, 000m2.
The 70-storey apartment building represents the marvellous beauty of the scenery.
Entresols are found in many buildings including skyscrapers, all looking architecturally attractive and well-balanced. Service amenities are also arranged in a peculiar style.
The street is a model of energy-saving and green architecture. It is powered, in large measure, by renewable energy sources such as solar and geothermal. Roof and wall greening and other innovative techniques have been introduced. For example, greenhouses are seen on top of some buildings.
The interior of the buildings is in no way inferior to their magnificent appearance.
Bedroom, study, kitchen and all other rooms are designed for the convenience of family members and high-quality furniture in these rooms reminds foreign visitors of a luxury hotel.
Good species of trees, shrubs, flowers and lawns are everywhere in the street. Seen from above, it looks like a science-fiction city.
At night it is as bright as in daytime with a myriad of dazzling illuminations.
Literally, the day of a powerful socialist country seems to be dawning in this street.
Seeing the night view of the street, the residents picture a brighter future in their mind’s eye. The street is full of joy and laughter until late at night.
Noteworthy is the fact that the DPRK built this splendid street on its own, despite international sanctions and blockade.
More surprisingly, the flats, worth millions of dollars each, are allotted free of charge to ordinary citizens including scientists and teachers.
As AP commented, this is “Pyonghattan” on a par with Manhattan in New York.

Source: Consulate General of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Hong Kong