日中邦交正常化40周年 2012「日中國民交流友好年」開幕式
1. 今年是日中邦交正常化40周年。為紀念這一年度,兩國首腦達成共識:將這一年定為「日中國民交流友好年」,以擴大日中兩國國民之間的交流、增進相互理解為目的,官方、民間共同參與、舉辦紀念活動。
2. 據此,2月16日(週四)下午,將於中國北京舉辦2012「日中國民交流友好年」開幕儀式。屆時,作為紀念活動的一環,「活力日本」展in北京的開場式將一併舉辦。
3. 本次開幕式及開場式,日方將由參議員議員直島正行(原經濟產業大臣)作為內閣總理大臣特使出席,此外,2012「日中國民交流友好年」實行委員會委員長米倉弘昌等日中要人也將出席開幕儀式。
The 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China and the opening ceremony of 2012 “Friendship Year for Japan-China People-To-People Exchanges”
1. This year is the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China. In order to enhance exchanges and promote the mutual understanding between the peoples of Japan and China, the leaders of both countries agreed to designate this year as 2012: “Friendship Year for Japan-China People-To-People Exchanges,” and both the public and private sectors in Japan and China are organizing a series of events to mark the anniversary.
2. The opening ceremony of 2012: “Friendship Year for Japan-China People-To-People Exchanges,” will be held in Beijing on the afternoon of Thursday 16 February. And as part of the same series of events, the opening ceremony of the “ Vibrant Japan” exhibition will also take place at the same time.
3. For the Japanese side, Mr. NAOSHIMA Masayuki, a member of the House of Councillors (and former Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry), will attend both ceremonies as special envoy of the Prime Minister of Japan. And Mr. Yonekura Hiromasa, Chairman of the executive committee for 2012: “Friendship Year for Japan-China People-To-People Exchanges,” will also attend, together with other VIPs from both Japan and China.
Events marking the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China.
1. The normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China took place in 1972, and since then anniversary-marking events have been held by both countries. 2012 is the 40th Anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China. In order to enhance exchanges and promote the mutual understanding between the peoples of Japan and China, both sides agreed to organize a series of events to mark the 40th anniversary.
2. Since the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China in 1972, relations between the two countries have developed in all areas. Through the 40th anniversary events, we expect to establish stable and future-oriented Japan-China relations, with a wide range of exchanges, that will further enhance mutual understanding and promote mutual trust between the two countries.
Source: Consulate General of Japan in Hong Kong